
A Tighter Analysis of the Worst-Case End-to-End Communication Delay in Massive Multicores
Ref: HURRAY-TR-111207       Publication Date: 29, Nov to 2, Dec, 2011

A Tighter Analysis of the Worst-Case End-to-End Communication Delay in Massive Multicores

Ref: HURRAY-TR-111207       Publication Date: 29, Nov to 2, Dec, 2011

“Many-core” systems based on the Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture have brought into the fore-front various opportunities and challenges for the deployment of real-time systems. Such real-time systems need timing guarantees to be fulfilled. Therefore, calculating upper-bounds on the end-to-end communication delay between system components is of primary interest. In this work, we identify the limitations of an existing approach proposed by [1] and propose different techniques to overcome these limitations.

Vincent Nélis
Dakshina Dasari
Borislav Nikolic
Stefan M. Petters

32nd IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2011), Work-In-Progress Session.
Vienna, Austria.

Record Date: 30, Nov, 2011