CISTER Industrial Workshop
on Real-Time and Embedded Systems

Porto, Portugal
29th November, 2016


CISTER 4th Industrial Workshop on Real-Time and Embedded Systems

Thursday, 29 November 2016

CISTER Building, Porto



The aim of the 4th CISTER Industrial Workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from the industry and academia and provide them with a platform to report and discuss on the recent advances and developments in the newly emerging areas of real-time and embedded technologies, as well as current and potential applications to industrial systems.

The workshop will consist of multiple 20-minute talks providing insights about the needs and technical challenges in the design, development and deployment of real-time systems and embedded systems.

Industrial areas of interest include, but by no means are limited to:

Talks on case studies, design methodologies, tools, deployment experiences and industry challenges are welcome. 

The 2016 edition, more than a platform for the exchange of ideas and sharing of results, will have its focus on academia/industry relationships and their relevance and benefits for the process of knowledge transfer. Industry speakers and attendees will have the opportunity to present their success cases and challenges which might be of particular interest to PhD prospects willing to combine an industry career with academic achievement.

Ciwork 2016 will also be co-located with IEEE RTSS Workshops (the international leading conference on real-time systems) and all the attendees will be able to attend the RTSS@Work ( ) session where state of the art demos and prototypes of Real-time and embedded technologies will be shown.

There will be a multiple experts from industry who will give talks - from Critical, GMV, EFFACEC, Critical Manufacturing, Kinematix and SONAE.

Previous Edition

For information on the previous edition of CiWork, please refer to the webpage of CiWork2015.



Eduardo Tovar (emt at

Paulo Gandra de Sousa (pag at

Raghuraman Rangarajan (raghu at

David Pereira (dmrpe at